Gracious People, Lovely Dogs

We went to a dog show in a nearby city yesterday and met some delightful people. Because of a tight schedule, we were able to stay for just a few hours. Despite the two-hour drive (which included getting lost in the city) each way, we were glad we went.
One delightful surprise was meeting someone who had been a perfect stranger (I thought!) but turned out to know Cooper from our postings on the Hoflin Cavalier mailing list and through this blog. She recognized his picture on my shirt and even knew to refer to him as "Little CheeseBoy," a name we'd come to call him during his last few weeks. What happened was this: once we realized his time was short, we through all the usual dietary restrictions to the wind and let him eat whatever he wanted -- in minuscule quantities, of course. But like many dogs, Cooper lived for cheese ... so cheese he got.
I continue to be grateful and amazed, and sometimes a little surprised, at the warmth and kindness of Cavalier people we meet. Here are more of them, both from yesterday's show:

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